Tuesday, June 14, 2022

The Do's and Don'ts of Getting a Name Tattooed on Your Body

The Do's and Don'ts of Getting a Name Tattooed on Your Body

People come to us with all sorts of ideas for a tattoo. Some clients come in with an idea for a very meaningful piece that is in memory of someone or something very important to them. Others come in with fun ideas that showcases their personality. Then there are others who desire intense artwork and are more focused on the theme and vivid imagery of their tattoo.  We honestly love doing them all!  

If a client comes in and wants to get a memorial tattoo for a friend or loved on that passed away then that is heartwarming and we love being a part of that. Including another person's name in the tattoo makes sense in this instance. In that situation, it is easy for us to agree and feel good about tattooing a name on someone. Likewise,  if a client wants a portrait of their child or pet tattooed on them, then that also brings us joy. That is one of the many reasons why we're in this business, to help people to create a lasting memory and to use their body as their temple to express themselves any way they wish. The only time we see this become an issue is when people place the name of someone who is not related or passed on, onto their body. Everyone wants to think that the person they are with will always be there or that their best friend is always going to have their back but unfortunately people sometimes change and we cannot change that. It is placing a lot of faith on another person, hoping that they continue to be the person you know and treat you the way you deserve. It is one thing if you get a tattoo that you chose and then decide years later that it's not representative of you anymore. It is an entirely different thing to place that on someone else by putting their name on your body and then hoping for the best. That is why most artists will tell you that they don't like tattooing the name of a girlfriend or boyfriend on someone and some will even refuse. Simply because they have seen so many people regret these decisions later.

Getting a tattoo is in itself, a big decision. It is a permanent addition to your appearance. It is important to ensure that what you are getting is more than just a passing interest. 

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