Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Why Not Get A Tattoo Using UV Ink?


UV (ultra-violet) ink being used in tattoos was one of the latest crazes in the tattoo industry. Yes, they are often invisible under normal lighting. Yes, they look really cool under a black-light. Yes, it's a unique way to express your tattoo design. But are they safe?

In order to achieve the effect of glowing under a black light, UV ink used to require phosphorus, which is a known carcinogen, and therefor, unsafe. However, many manufacturers are now using a UV reactive pigment that contains no phosphorus. 

That sounds fine and dandy, however, tattoo ink is not FDA regulated and ink manufacturers often do not disclose their ingredients. So, how would you know if the tattoo studio that offers UV tattoos is using the non-phosphorus inks? Unless the studio advertises it, you simply cannot know. 

I mentioned the benefits to a UV reactive tattoo, but what are the drawbacks? Obviously, the first would be getting tattooed with ink containing phosphorus. If you get a tattoo with that ingredient, you could be subject to rashes, burning and even intense swelling. If you get lucky and you get tattooed with the safer UV inks, you still have the following to consider. Like all tattoos, UV ink will also fade over time, which would require touchups. Would you be able to find another studio that can do that for you if you move or your old shop closes? Even if the tattoo is done using invisible ink, if your artist has a heavy hand, you could run the risk of scarring, leaving you with an image of the scar in normal light instead of the tattoo you are proud of. How often are you going to be under a UV light? Will just carry one around everywhere you go to show off your tattoo?

Undeniably, UV tattoos do look really cool if done right. Personally, I feel like the risks and inconveniences simply aren't worth it. I'd rather my tattoos be visible without special conditions. 

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